Hope is Alive Once More.
Jaime's hometown, Guiuan in Eastern Samar was completely destroyed in the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan. Jaime wrote a letter to iPrevail to seek help in reaching and helping his sister's and brother's family. Aside from the complete destruction of their humble homes, they also lost their means of living, as they were wet market vendors. After waiting 160 days, Jaime was able to visit and see his family again.The reality of seeing his family alive was all it took for Jaime to break down into tears of joy. At that point, there were few organizations providing necessities, and food relief distribution has halted. With the help of iPrevail and our donors, Jaime was able to purchase wood to replace the walls and partitions. While his brothers and father are still struggling to find a consistent source of income, his mother used the grant money to start a small fresh produce kiosk and this is now their whole family's main source of income. “I think helping the poor and the needy really pleases God. Providing their needs at the point of helplessness refuels our hope. We would like to thank all of you donors for your benevolent and generous hearts for helping iPrevail International Foundation to strive to achieve their mission and goals which for us is truly alive”-Jaime Labay