Tina Marinshaw
Co-Founder / Community Outreach
I spent my childhood in one of the toughest neighborhoods in Manila. I enjoyed playing in the streets and I felt secure in a run down area full of everyday people. My parents had to provide for 5 children on minimum wage. They used to tell me stories of having to walk barefoot for miles just to make it to school, and they instilled in me a drive to learn and excel because education was to be my ticket to a better life. And through their perseverance I was able to go to the best accelerated program, the best high school, the best university. I graduated with a degree in Business Administration and pursued a career in brand management. Working for global brands such as McDonald’s Corp and Levi’s, I was able to hone my skills in strategic planning, finance, and marketing. I also learned to build strategic alliances, to plan special events, and to work with media and the community.
I was obliviously climbing up the corporate ladder and had no plans to leave the Philippines. But God had a different plan. I met Todd in 2000 and got married in 2002. After I moved to the US, I continued my career in marketing until God opened doors for me and Todd to start our own business. We also opened a factory in the Philippines with the help of my brothers and sisters, who back then were barely struggling to support their families. Years later and they are now very successful entrepreneurs and have their own factories, providing jobs to people who otherwise could not provide for their families as well. It is amazing to look back and see how the fate of my family was transformed because instead of just giving fish, we also taught them how to fish, and overcome the circumstances that life has dealt all of us.
In the past 14 years, God has allowed me and Todd to support various non profit organizations. In 2009, together with our children, we were able to participate in Typhoon Ondoy relief operations. Being on the ground opened my heart to victims of calamities and natural disaster. I want to see these families not only get food and water and much needed relief, but I also want to see them get back up on their feet and turn adversity into triumph, to be empowered to succeed, to be connected to families who will spur them on, believe in them, and see them prevail. This is my dream, this is my vision, and together with friends who share my heart, I know that iPrevail can make it come true.