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Rosalina C

"My name is Rosalina....  I would like to make a plea for a little help for my sister and her children who were one of the many devastated by typhoon Yolanda (International Name:Haiyan). 

My sister's name Rowena  and her husband is Amancio . Their children are Manilyn, Gilbert, Jeffrey, Erick, Maybelyn and Brayan.  Up to now, we have not been able to contact them and we are extremely worried.  The news we see on TV makes our hearts break and feel very sorry for the victims. How much more my sister and her family who live by the sea side because being fishermen is their main livelihood in Leyte.

We can’t help but worry if they still have something to eat? If they are safe, if they are alive hopefully.  I pray to the Lord that they are alive and safe and no harm has come upon them, The last time I spoke to them was November 2 and I have not heard from them since."

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